11 05/11/20

Quality Countertops Buying Guide


Quality Countertops Buying Guide Choosing a new countertop for your home can be a challenging task. There's a lot to consider with each countertop material, from durability to appearances. We've compiled this guide to give you some help with the buying process. Below, you can see some factors to consider before making a decision, information on placing your order, and how to start the installation process. Compare Colors, Materials, and Prices The first step in the process is getting an idea of what you want for your space and making comparisons. There is a wide variety of materials available, and they all come in varied colors and patterns.  The simplest way to compare colors is to start with one question. Do you [...]

Quality Countertops Buying Guide2020-05-07T00:32:59+00:00
8 05/08/20

How to Choose the Best Marble Slab for Your Countertops


How to Choose the Best Marble Slab for Your Countertops Finding the perfect marble slab for your countertops can be a daunting task if you're not sure what to look for. There is a myriad of variations in marble to choose from at a supplier. This can overwhelm anyone, even if they already have a general idea of what they want. However, this timeless stone is well worth the effort! Marble brings a level of elegance that not many other countertop materials can. If you're unsure of how to choose the best marble slab, not to worry. Continue reading to see some of our tips to help you on your journey to a more beautiful home! Have an Idea in Mind At the [...]

How to Choose the Best Marble Slab for Your Countertops2020-05-07T00:32:24+00:00
6 05/06/20

How to Get Your Countertops Clean and Sanitary


How to Get Your Countertops Clean and Sanitary Cleaning your countertops can seem like a reasonably simple task. However, there's a ton of contradictory advice out there. From using specialized cleaners to avoiding cleaners to using Windex to never using Windex, and much more. Luckily, we're here to clear the air a bit and get down to what matters, getting your countertops clean and sanitary. Continue reading to see our tips and tricks on how to clean and disinfect your counters. Things to Remember About Stone Countertops Before we get into step-by-step cleaning instruction, there are some things to remember before diving in. Make Sure Porous Stone Countertops are Properly Sealed If your countertops are made of porous stone, such as [...]

How to Get Your Countertops Clean and Sanitary2020-05-10T05:09:43+00:00
1 05/01/20

The Best Countertop Choices for Your Busy Kitchen


The Best Countertop Choices for Your Busy Kitchen The kitchen is considered one of the most central areas of the home. Everyone in the family tends to congregate here. Not to mention, making meals together is a brilliant way to spend quality time together. If you're looking to transform this versatile space, countertop replacements are a great way to give a new look to your worn, scorched, or scratched countertops. Thankfully, there are many different countertop styles and selections to choose from for any budget. Let's dive in and see what some of the pros and cons are of different countertop options! Granite Granite is a highly popular countertop material in many homes. This natural material comes in slabs that are each unique in design. [...]

The Best Countertop Choices for Your Busy Kitchen2020-05-11T07:38:49+00:00
22 04/22/20

Choosing the Right Countertop


Choosing the Right Countertop One of the most used spaces in your home is the kitchen countertop. It is where some walk-in first after a long day at work or school, placing their bags on the counter, making food, placing wet dishes, or simply leaning up against the counter. Simply put, the kitchen countertops in your home should be made of the best and most hygienic materials available. When remodeling a kitchen, it is important to put a lot of realistic thought into countertops because that is a space that will undoubtedly be used regularly by everyone in the household, including guests. We do not realize how much we use our countertops and they’re used for more than just placing food down and cooking. Kitchen countertops [...]

Choosing the Right Countertop2020-05-01T00:59:42+00:00
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